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encyclopedia of Rare Disease Annotation for Precision Medicine

   ichthyosis bullosa of siemens

Disease ID 1307
Disease ichthyosis bullosa of siemens
An autosomal dominant form of ichthyosis characterized by generalized reddening of the skin (ERYTHEMA) and widespread blistering. The disease shows similar, but somewhat milder, clinical and histopathological findings to those in HYPERKERATOSIS, EPIDERMOLYTIC and is associated with the gene that encodes KERATIN-2A.
bullous type ichthyoses
bullous type ichthyosis
bullous type of ichthyosis
ichthyoses, bullous type
ichthyosis bullosa of siemens (disorder)
ichthyosis bullosa of siemens [disease/finding]
ichthyosis bullous type
ichthyosis, bullous type
ichthyosis, bullous type of siemens
siemens ichthyosis bullosa
UMLS | Disease | Sentences' Count(Total Sentences:2)
Curated Gene
Entrez_id | Symbol | Resource(Total Genes:1)
Inferring Gene(Waiting for update.)
Text Mined Gene
Entrez_id | Symbol | Score | Resource(Total Genes:7)
488  |  ATP2A2  |  1.934  |  DISEASES
3713  |  IVL  |  1.637  |  DISEASES
3853  |  KRT6A  |  4.504  |  DISEASES
3892  |  KRT86  |  3.264  |  DISEASES
26151  |  NAT9  |  3.171  |  DISEASES
5339  |  PLEC  |  2.193  |  DISEASES
5916  |  RARG  |  2.832  |  DISEASES
Locus(Waiting for update.)
Disease ID 1307
Disease ichthyosis bullosa of siemens
Integrated Phenotype
HPO | Name(Total Integrated Phenotypes:1)
HP:0007475  |  Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis
Text Mined Phenotype
HPO | Name | Sentences' Count(Total Phenotypes:2)
Disease ID 1307
Disease ichthyosis bullosa of siemens
Manually Symptom(Waiting for update.)
Text Mined Symptom(Waiting for update.)
Manually Genotype(Total Text Mining Genotypes:0)
(Waiting for update.)
Text Mining Genotype(Total Genotypes:0)
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All Snps(Total Genotypes:36)
snpId pubmedId geneId geneSymbol diseaseId sourceId sentence score Year geneSymbol_dbSNP CHROMOSOME POS REF ALT
rs137854608190567596331SCN5Aumls:C0432306BeFreeIn conclusion, the G298S-SCN5A missense mutation caused a marked reduction of whole cell Na(+) current and loss of function of Na(v)1.5, suggesting SCN5A as a candidate gene in the pathophysiology of IBS.0.0005428842009SCN5A338609776CT
rs1464510240415403559IL2RAumls:C0432306BeFreeAdditionally, three SNPs in immune-related genes (rs1464510-LPP, rs1881457-IL13, rs2104286-IL2RA), one SNP in a neuronal gene (rs2349775-NXPH1) and two SNPs in epithelial genes (rs245051-SLC26A2, rs17837965-CDC42) were weakly associated with total-IBS (Puncorrected<0.05).0.0002714422014LPP3188394766CT,A
rs17837965240415403559IL2RAumls:C0432306BeFreeAdditionally, three SNPs in immune-related genes (rs1464510-LPP, rs1881457-IL13, rs2104286-IL2RA), one SNP in a neuronal gene (rs2349775-NXPH1) and two SNPs in epithelial genes (rs245051-SLC26A2, rs17837965-CDC42) were weakly associated with total-IBS (Puncorrected<0.05).0.0002714422014CDC42122068132AG
rs1800532231727237166TPH1umls:C0432306BeFreeHowever, TPH1 gene SNPs were associated with IBS-related cognitions (rs4537731 and rs21105) and quality of life (rs684302 and rs1800532), in particular the mental health and energy subscales.0.0013572092014TPH11118026269GT
rs1800870244090783586IL10umls:C0432306BeFreeThe results suggest that IL-10 rs1800870 confers susceptibility to the risk of IBS in Caucasian ethnicity, and the rs1800872 may associate with IBS risk in Asians.0.0024429772013ALDH3A21719649164CT
rs1800872244090783586IL10umls:C0432306BeFreeThe results suggest that IL-10 rs1800870 confers susceptibility to the risk of IBS in Caucasian ethnicity, and the rs1800872 may associate with IBS risk in Asians.0.0024429772013IL101206773062TG
rs1881457240415403559IL2RAumls:C0432306BeFreeAdditionally, three SNPs in immune-related genes (rs1464510-LPP, rs1881457-IL13, rs2104286-IL2RA), one SNP in a neuronal gene (rs2349775-NXPH1) and two SNPs in epithelial genes (rs245051-SLC26A2, rs17837965-CDC42) were weakly associated with total-IBS (Puncorrected<0.05).0.0002714422014IL13;LOC1019277615132656717AC
rs2104286240415403559IL2RAumls:C0432306BeFreeAdditionally, three SNPs in immune-related genes (rs1464510-LPP, rs1881457-IL13, rs2104286-IL2RA), one SNP in a neuronal gene (rs2349775-NXPH1) and two SNPs in epithelial genes (rs245051-SLC26A2, rs17837965-CDC42) were weakly associated with total-IBS (Puncorrected<0.05).0.0002714422014IL2RA106057082TC
rs21105231727237166TPH1umls:C0432306BeFreeHowever, TPH1 gene SNPs were associated with IBS-related cognitions (rs4537731 and rs21105) and quality of life (rs684302 and rs1800532), in particular the mental health and energy subscales.0.0013572092014NANANANANA
rs2349775240415403559IL2RAumls:C0432306BeFreeAdditionally, three SNPs in immune-related genes (rs1464510-LPP, rs1881457-IL13, rs2104286-IL2RA), one SNP in a neuronal gene (rs2349775-NXPH1) and two SNPs in epithelial genes (rs245051-SLC26A2, rs17837965-CDC42) were weakly associated with total-IBS (Puncorrected<0.05).0.0002714422014NXPH178678450GA
rs245051240415403559IL2RAumls:C0432306BeFreeAdditionally, three SNPs in immune-related genes (rs1464510-LPP, rs1881457-IL13, rs2104286-IL2RA), one SNP in a neuronal gene (rs2349775-NXPH1) and two SNPs in epithelial genes (rs245051-SLC26A2, rs17837965-CDC42) were weakly associated with total-IBS (Puncorrected<0.05).0.0002714422014SLC26A25149966412AG
rs386602276152323583356HTR2Aumls:C0432306BeFreeThis study suggests that the patients with homozygote C allele of the 102 T/C polymorphisms or homozygote A allele of the -1438 G/A polymorphism of the 5-HT2A receptor gene, have a high risk of IBS.0.0005428842004NANANANANA
rs4537731231727237166TPH1umls:C0432306BeFreeHowever, TPH1 gene SNPs were associated with IBS-related cognitions (rs4537731 and rs21105) and quality of life (rs684302 and rs1800532), in particular the mental health and energy subscales.0.0013572092014NA1118047335TC
rs4680231101891312COMTumls:C0432306BeFreeIn a regression model, the number of methionine alleles in COMT val158met was linearly related to placebo response as measured by changes in IBS-SSS (p = .035).0.0010857672012COMT;MIR47612219963748GA
rs4680214372601312COMTumls:C0432306BeFreeIn this study we found an association between the val/val genotype of the val158met COMT gene and IBS as well as to specific IBS related bowel pattern in IBS patients.0.0010857672011COMT;MIR47612219963748GA
rs5443190349652784GNB3umls:C0432306BeFreeWhereas no specific gene has been identified in association with IBS, recent studies have noticed the importance of polymorphisms in the promoter region of the serotonin reuptake transporter gene, G-protein beta 3 subunit gene (C825T), cholecystokinin receptor (CCKAR gene 779T>C), and high-producer tumor necrosis factor genotype.0.0008143262008GNB3;CDCA3126845711CT
rs5682906298043443849KRT2umls:C0432306UNIPROTGenomic organization and fine mapping of the keratin 2e gene (KRT2E): K2e V1 domain polymorphism and novel mutations in ichthyosis bullosa of Siemens.0.484343071998KRT21252646783CT
rs60537449105643343849KRT2umls:C0432306UNIPROTIchthyosis bullosa of Siemens resulting from a novel missense mutation near the helix termination motif of the keratin 2e gene.0.484343071999KRT21252646782TA
rs61622714100843183849KRT2umls:C0432306UNIPROTA novel mutation in the 1A domain of keratin 2e in ichthyosis bullosa of Siemens.0.484343071999KRT21252651598AT
rs61726449159490093849KRT2umls:C0432306UNIPROTIn the current literature, 19 IBS families with keratin 2e (K2e) mutations have been reported, despite only five IBS families having been reported before the first identification of K2e mutation in 1994.0.484343072005NANANANANA
rs6172645075249193849KRT2umls:C0432306UNIPROTMutations in the rod domain of keratin 2e in patients with ichthyosis bullosa of Siemens.0.484343071994NANANANANA
rs61726451159490093849KRT2umls:C0432306UNIPROTIn the current literature, 19 IBS families with keratin 2e (K2e) mutations have been reported, despite only five IBS families having been reported before the first identification of K2e mutation in 1994.0.484343072005KRT21252646758AG
rs6172645290369383849KRT2umls:C0432306UNIPROTA new keratin 2e mutation in ichthyosis bullosa of Siemens.0.484343071997KRT21252646747CT
rs6172645392049663849KRT2umls:C0432306UNIPROTA novel threonine --> proline mutation at the end of 2B rod domain in the keratin 2e chain in ichthyosis bullosa of Siemens.0.484343071997NANANANANA
rs6172645498043443849KRT2umls:C0432306UNIPROTGenomic organization and fine mapping of the keratin 2e gene (KRT2E): K2e V1 domain polymorphism and novel mutations in ichthyosis bullosa of Siemens.0.484343071998NANANANANA
rs61726457115318043849KRT2umls:C0432306UNIPROTNew mutations in keratin 1 that cause bullous congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma and keratin 2e that cause ichthyosis bullosa of Siemens.0.484343072001NANANANANA
rs6313152323583356HTR2Aumls:C0432306BeFreeThis study suggests that the patients with homozygote C allele of the 102 T/C polymorphisms or homozygote A allele of the -1438 G/A polymorphism of the 5-HT2A receptor gene, have a high risk of IBS.0.0005428842004HTR2A1346895805GA
rs684302231727237166TPH1umls:C0432306BeFreeHowever, TPH1 gene SNPs were associated with IBS-related cognitions (rs4537731 and rs21105) and quality of life (rs684302 and rs1800532), in particular the mental health and energy subscales.0.0013572092014TPH11118038806CT
rs8063782180301156144PCDHA4umls:C0432306BeFreeCNR1 rs806378 (CC vs CT/TT) appeared to affect fasting proximal MI in all patients with IBS (P = .075).0.0008143262011CNR1688149832CT
GWASdb Annotation(Total Genotypes:0)
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GWASdb Snp Trait(Total Genotypes:0)
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Mapped by lexical matching(Total Items:0)
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Mapped by homologous gene(Total Items:1)
HP ID HP Name MP ID MP Name Annotation
HP:0007475Congenital bullous ichthyosiform erythrodermaMP:0012515abnormal heart apex morphologyany structural anomaly of the lowest superficial part of the heart, normally directed downward, forward, and to the left, and overlapped by the left lung and pleura; the heart apex is formed by the inferolateral part of the left ventricle and responsible
Disease ID 1307
Disease ichthyosis bullosa of siemens
Case(Waiting for update.)